Novotel Melbourne: A Model Of Sustainability | News at Novotel Melbourne On Collins
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Novotel Melbourne: A Model Of Sustainability

The Novotel Melbourne and its parent company Accor Hotels are committed to combining premier comfort and value in the Novotel hotel chain. Our Melbourne hotel features quality conference venues, meeting rooms, hotel restaurants and the type of amenity-rich hotel accommodation Melbourne visitors appreciate.

However, the Novotel Melbourne on Collins as well as Accor Hotels is also committed to acting sustainably and in ways that are respectful to the planet.

Even as the Novotel chain grows and expands, there is a concerted effort to do so responsibly. The goal is shared value and sustainable hospitality with no sacrifice of the environment. The Novotel Melbourne and the rest of the chain are part of the Planet 21 program, an eco-aware strategy of development and innovation.

Planet 21 was first set up in 2010 and was in part inspired by the 1992 Agenda 21 program launched at the 1992 Earth Summit by 173 Heads of State. Planet 21 embodies ambitious sustainability goals and an ongoing commitment to conducting business responsibly.

Seven key areas are focused upon in the Planet 21 program, with three key tasks within each. A Planet 21 project overview is as follows:

Health. Healthy hotel interiors, responsible eating, and disease prevention.

Nature. Reduce water use, protect biodiversity, recycle.

Carbon. Lower energy use, reduce CO2 emissions, more renewable energy.

Innovation. Use eco-design, sustainable building, and sustainable technologies.

Local. Protect children, support responsible purchasing, preserve ecosystems.

Employment. Support employee growth, diversity, and a high quality work life.

Dialogue. Conduct business transparently, engage all hotels, communicate goals with suppliers.

Accor Hotels creates around 40,000 new rooms each year. In addition to serving their cherished guests, they wish for this growth to serve local communities and the environment as well. A lowered carbon footprint and biodiversity is as important as guest comfort and amenities.

Recycling, using eco-labelled products, giving disease prevention training to employees, and banning endangered seafood species from hotel restaurants are just some of the specific things being done to implement this project. Guests are encouraged to reuse clean towels, and Accor Hotels is investing the savings on laundry costs in worldwide reforestation projects.

Excellence in Environmentally Aware Management

A new business model is evolving, and Planet 21 is at the centre of it. The Accor brand was one of the first large French corporations to create a specific environmental department to support sustainability. In addition to being committed to the Planet 21 agenda, Accor Hotels and the Novotel chain are also ISO14001 accredited. ISO14001 is a respected international standard for sustainability in business.

Novotel Melbourne on Collins is proud to be a part of both Planet 21 and the ISO14001 designation. From our conference venues and meeting rooms to responsibly sourced hotel restaurants, we make sustainability a priority. Our Melbourne hotel combines homely comforts and exceptional value with continued care for the planet. All of this makes Novotel Melbourne on Collins the favoured hotel accommodation of choice for visitors.